Tag Archives: Brene Brown

Giving in to vulnerability

I admit I haven’t made it too far into Brene Brown’s book, The Gifts of Imperfection, but right in the preface I found a sentiment that rang so true for me. She speaks about being in the middle of a breakdown/ spiritual awakening and realizing one day that:

“I had learned how to worry more about how I felt and less about ‘what people might think.’ I was setting new boundaries and began to let go of my need to please, perform, and perfect. I started saying no rather than sure (and being resentful and pissed off later). I began saying ‘Oh, hell yes!’ rather than ‘Sounds fun, but I have lots of work to do’ or ‘I’ll do that when I’m ______________ (thinner, less busy, better prepared).’ ”

To me this is it. Own you’re life and do what feels right even if, or especially if, what feels right scares the crap out of you. If you have never seen them, I recommend you watch some of her videos online. The one below is awesome. This is the first time I am trying to add a video, fingers crossed!